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5 Stratigraphy - The stratigraphy orders the rocky bodies, from a spatial and temporal point of view, according to their characteristics  is at the basis of the reconstruction of the history of the Earth

Starting from top left


1 Find - Surface Recon and Ooze Find

2 Site tests - the surrounding is white and totally rediscovered with white matter found in the ground

3 Site tests - The natural elements are immersed or covered with a slimy white substance if in contact with otherwise finely dusty water

4 Exhibit 1 - Collection and cataloging of the substance found in the layer which dates back to the plastic age. Slimy substance in contact with water and finely powdery thin if in contact with air

6 Analysis of the dust layer


7 Analysis II - X-ray analysis of the dust layer


8 Radargram - Ground penetrating radar is a non-invasive methodology used in geophysics, in the study of the first subsoil, which is based on the analysis of the reflections of electromagnetic waves transmitted into the ground. This method provides a "section" of the investigated terrain from the surface. Choosing a suitable signal scan, a two-dimensional representation, or electromagnetic section, or "radargram" is obtained, of the type "displacement (along the track) / time (of reception of the reflected signals)".


9 Reconnaissance area I - Tell o tall (Arabic: تلّ, tall, Hebrew: תל, tel), a word meaning "hill", is a type of archaeological site, the result of the accumulation and subsequent erosion of deposited materials by human occupation over long periods of time.

10 Aerial reconnaissance II - Archaeological reconnaissance is the methodological procedure through which information is collected regarding the dislocation, distribution and territorial organization of human cultures of the past in a vast area.

11 Thermal aerial reconnaissance

12 Aerial survey and analysis of the surrounding waters


14 Excavation diary

13 Excavation report

21 May 2019 The deputies of the European Parliament - 560 votes in favour, 35 against and 28 abstentions - confirmed their support for the European Commission's proposal to reduce the environmental impact of plastic. In 2021, the production of various plastic objects deemed more polluting will be banned.

This legislation will reduce environmental damage by €22 billion, the estimated cost of plastic pollution in Europe up to 2030.


This work is titled Parkesine because the history of plastic begins in the 19th century, when, between 1861 and 1862, the Englishman Alexander Parkes, developing studies on cellulose nitrate, isolates and patents the first semi-synthetic plastic material, which christened Parkesine It is a first type of celluloid, used for the production of handles and boxes, but also of flexible products such as cuffs and shirt collars.


Despite its highly harmful character, plastic was born and evolved in a very short time, in the last 60 years, therefore a recent and fast process.


The work is projected into the year 3020 (to be archeology the distance must be at least 1000 years) the photographer has imagined a hypothetical discovery of a geological layer of plastic and therefore the beginning of an archaeological process.


The questions that carried forward the photographer's work were:


Can we hypothesize the birth of an archeology of plastic?

Will plastic become a new part of nature?


The intuition was to combine the theory and practice of the archaeological discipline with the environmental discomfort created by the plastic, following the phases of an archaeological discovery process as a structural phase of the artistic process.

According to the artist, imagination is a powerful means of understanding where we are and who we are, and that poetic invention can facilitate reflection and understanding of today's environmental problems without having to resort to the explicit visual message of the media.

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